Wednesday, November 15, 2017

english challenges

Well for to be honest I never before questioned me this, which are the challenge of the English language? , for begin I want to say than nothing language is easy, but yes each one of them have his difficulty, for example I think that French is so much hard that Portuguese, but in my opinion when I meet the English I don´t remember that this were a difficult for me, on the contrary, when I began to speak English this never before I felt that exist other idiom apart from of my idiom that I can understand with this ease, but if I must to say  thing that I take into account is listen it, because write it for me personally, don´t is a difficult, and neither speak it, but listen it, in my opinion is so much hard that other point that I said, because when you speak with other person in this language is so hard understand of that he or she try to tell you, because you don´t are used to of this idiom, but with time and practice I´m sure that in the future listen it, will not a problem for you, for me the more hard in the English is learn to listen, and today even I need practice it, I can to keep a conversation with other person, but always I ask them that if they can speak more slow because I don´t manage to understand, of that she or he try to tell me, but how I said that with practice and perseverance we can do it  

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Things that I would like change in my study program

Well the first I want to begin saying that, how I choose my schedule, I must to obey it, but also I want to say that the subject that I could take for this second semester, was three chemistry general  one, biology, and calculus, but although I could take it´s, the schedule that it´s have don´t was the best, because sometime I have a so long free time and I can´t go my home, because I have a class in the afternoon, for example the Friday I have chemistry general one 8:30 O´clock, and this class finish 12:00 O´clock, and after that I don’t have nothing until 5:30 O´clock and in all this free time I try to study other subject´s but, five hours is so many time, but not the sufficient for back my home, if I had the option of change my schedule, I would like to do it, and other think that I would change is the time that I spend in other things that don´t are study, the infrastructure maybe I would like to change or expand it, because the places that we have are so small in comparison with the number of student that the faculty have, and sometime the student don´t have a good study place, I know that the student of the chemistry faculty are so conformist, and maybe this place don´t are so necessary but the efficiency that they have is different in comparison how the FEN, well this is my opinion and the thinks that I would like change bye  

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

summer plans

Hello everyone today I´m going to share with you, my plans for this summer, well if I remember the last years I didn´t go out with my family, and for this reason this summer will be different, for this summer I have so many plans to do, well the first the travels, I want to travel with my family, maybe to the beach and don´t only with my family circle, also with my uncles, and cousins, the idea is that we can be together because I enjoy so much with my cousins and my uncles, other thing that I want to do is that I will be a volunteer in a hospital with the baby’s that don’t have parents, the volunteer dedicated to stay with them  speak with them and tell that they aren´t alone, that they are beautiful and always they have someone to help them , I think that this activity is so beautiful and I want to do it this summer, and other think that I must to do is find a job for that I can pay my sing up, because I don´t want that my parent pay this for me, and I remember that I spoke with them  for this situation, I told they that I´m an adult and I need take responsibilities and for this reason my parents don´t pay nothing of my university, well this is my plan for this summer, maybe with the time I will created other plans, but its fine for now, thanks for read my post good bye and take care 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Back to the past

Well the first question is would you prefer going to the past or the future? And why? Personally I prefer going to the past and the reason is because I don´t want to know nothing about my future, but this not a only reason, I prefer going to the past, because I would like to live again beautiful moments, for example, I would like live again when I went to panda junior for first time, I remember that my father wanted to carry my mother to eat in a restaurant for her birthday, and they were to panda junior that is all you can eat, and after that we went how family and the place is so good, and the food is excellent, I remember that when I went for first time, I tryed to eat the food that I never before have ate, how pink salmon, bread roll, chine sup (is amazing) and something’s more, after that I have go again to panda junior but isn’t the same how the first time, I don´t know If I can explain, well I hope that you can understand me, if you question me If I change something, my answer  probably is no, because I believe that we must to live process and learn about this, and for this reason my answer is no, I don´t change nothing of my past, if I would can back in the past I can´t say a period that I would like come back, because I´m happy now and if you tell me that, when I was a child , I have think and tell you back that how now I have my little sister, I can´t change the past, because I love she, I enjoy the present and don´t think about the past 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


si dejas tu cuenta abierta, puedo entrara a tu correo y hacer cosas malas :3
Pero soy buena persona, así que ponle ojito

postgrade studies

well this is a good question, never before I did this question, but recently I´m thinking about my post grade studies, if I´m honest, I don´t want to have a specialization of my career, I have another plan

when I will finish my career I want to work some years, until that I reach an economic stability, and accomplish my goals how have a house, a car, and maybe travel others countries, after that I want to continue studying but don´t a specialization how I said, I want study other career..... But I want that this career strengthen my first career (chemistry and pharmacy), and this career is medicine, and the question is: why medicine? Well is simple the reason is because when I will finish chemistry I want to dedicate to the investigation area, I want to search cures, for the sickness, and create a new medicates and this is my principally goal in the work field, I´m aware in that this goal will be hard, but I want to do it, and I believe in the skills that God give me, and I´m sure that when this time come I will see back and say: was worth every damn second
Well the question now is why you want to studies another career, and not a specialization?
 Just because I want, and always I wanted to have a two professions, and is better when this careers can strengthen between they 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

My future job

Well how probably, you read in the title, today I´m going to speak about my future job, or which I would like will be my future job, well how I´m study chemistry and pharmacy, when I finish of study, I will have a so much work field, but I want to work in a laboratory in the investigation area, I imagine it, how a work where you can discover something, maybe a new element, or a new combination for synthesise a new medicine, etc.

The next point is hard for me, because I want to job outdoor, but how I want to job in a laboratory is hard that I can do this, but maybe exist a laboratory that work in outdoor.

Well I´m a men that don´t travel so much, but I love travel and meet a new people and places, but yes I would like travel, in my job, other country, for investigate news things

With the salary, if I´m honest, I try to not think so much about this, but if I must to think in a number, I say that I would like get how minimum nine hundred thousand.

today I not think about the specialty, but I have a plain, when I finish this career I want to study other career, that complement the chemistry and pharmacy, and this career is medicine, when I have stability economic before not 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

My favorite movie

My favorite movie is logan of the X- men, when I saw this I loved it, fundamentally because my favorite character is wolverine in the X- men, and I know that in the past the movie director Gavin Hood nad James Mandgold did a lote more movies about wolverine like wolverine inmortal, wolverine origins, logan, etc, but. Why I like logan and no the other movies about wolverine? well mainly because in this movie we can meet the daughter of logan and her history, you can join in the history and feel the feelings that the actor and actress exchanged, other reason is how I said that wolverine is my favorite character in the marvel universe, after is deadpool is so funny

I love to watch movies about action, for example mission impossible, john wick, war planet apes, kong just actions, movies of terror are so bored for me because always I dicsern the end of this

And the last movie that I saw is family man, and definitly I recomend this movie, is about a man that has everything, money, women´s, and  fame, but one night this man think that how his live would have been, if he get a marry with his ex-girlfriend, and, when he sleeps, in the next  morning his live changed, all his live with money and luxury, change for a live of a father with his wife and daughter but for some reason he can remember all his previous life. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Country that I want to go

When I was a child always I thought in which country I would like to live in, I thought, in brazil, canada, paris, and so many countries more, but finally I decided for holland why? because is a so beautiful and safe place, holland, in statistics is one of the countries with less crime, and the forest and the field, are so amazing with his flowers, in a future I would like, to live in this place, I can´t explain but I love a place with calm and peace, so much people go for the atractions and see the landscapes, I don´t said that I don´t like the atractions that this place has, but definitly I don´t will go to live here only for this razon, I just want a place that be safe and good for my family, a place where we can live in peace without worry about trivial things, how go out in the night for walk with your girldfriend our wife without fear for the danger, besides I always dreamed with a place like there in the world and when I found them I feel so happy, finally I will live without fear for the world, but I am sure that this feeling will never go out of me

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

My best holiday

My best holiday was four years approximately, when I went to the valle Nevado to practice snowboard for first time, I remember that when I tried for first time I fell and almost I came down for the hillside, but instead of going scare just went straight to the adrenaline to my heart, after that with a little of practice, I dominated the Technique, and I remember that when I got do snowboard by myself, I lost the fear, and never again I fell in the snow, but don´t all was good, after that my cousins and me finished of practice we thought that we should have come down because started snow, but we had a problem, three of us must to go in the back of the truck and this place were in outdoor, and my cousins and me should have come down in the back with all the snow fell on us, when finally we came down, I remember that I didn´t feel my body, my hands shivered, and we didn´t speak for the cold, after that my body never was the same now my hands always are colds and the rest of my body are hot, maybe because how I was exposed in  this temperature, I don´t know, but for this reason this was my best holiday and the same time don´t was it

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My expectations about the blog sessions

personally I don`t have an expectation about this I prefer that the things happen with normality, but I have one thing that I would like that happen, is that I achieve meet more my classmates, through his or her blogs, I, really want to meet my news classmates, his or her hobbies, the music that they enjoys, or maybe their histories, how I said I don`t have so much expectations about this, but I want to write about so much things, my hobbies my music, the sport that I do, my plans for the future, anything , I want do it, I believe that the reading is the most easily for learn in a low level, because is more easy read something that write it, or listen, and in no way speak it, well this is my opinion, and I think that do these blogs is a so good idea because, is a way for practice our skills, read, write and expand our vocabulary